
Why do we cosy up to crime fiction?
What are some of the tropes of cosy crime fiction and why is it so popular?

So you’ve signed the contract and handed in your manuscript … now what?
What are some of the processes your manuscript will go through before it is published?

Social media is dying – what next for arts marketing?
The US's TikTok ban is just the latest in a downward trend for social media. What will the landscape look…

Australian Pavilion may be empty at Venice 2026; no resignations forthcoming
CEO Adrian Collette and Board Chair Robert Morgan will not be resigning, despite the damage caused by Creative Australia’s abrupt…

A win for creative industries against AI?
Creative cultures may yet suffer when the royalties start flowing.

What Eventbrite’s TRNDS 2025 says for ticketing in the arts
Eventbrite has released its annual forecasting guide, TRNDS 2025. We look at how it impacts the arts offering in 2025.

What can arts organisations do if their audiences abandon Facebook and Instagram?
With the foundations of established social media platforms becoming unstable, what can arts marketers do to keep reaching their audiences?

Is it important to read the explanatory labels next to artworks? We asked 5 experts
Five experts offer five reasons to – or not to – read the wall labels to understand the art.

Small is beautiful, but can small-scale programming survive within growth markets?
As blockbuster shows fill up arts calendars everywhere, the value of smaller scale arts projects is being neglected to the…

Operating across borders: one gallery, three countries
Continuing to expand, Ames Yavuz prepares to open a London gallery, and announces its 2025 program.