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All about Arts Council England

The Arts Council of England is an organisation of astonishing size and variety. Encompassing everything from lottery grants, to schools…

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Fab new fest for Scotland's 'friendly' city

Glasgow City Council recently announced details of an exciting new Festival of Contemporary Visual Arts to take place throughout the…

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A tsunami of celebration

Anyone involved or interested in the arts cannot avoid festivals; it’s impossible. They have become an intrinsic – almost a…

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Culture and Development: developing the role of the arts in UK social policy

Recently Creative Exchange, the network for culture and development, released a discussion paper by Helen Gould that invites us to…

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Creative Writing on Campus: What’s Happening in the UK?

Over the past ten years the number of university creative writing courses in the UK has more than doubled. This…

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Disability Arts – a celebration of human difference

Xposure 2004 is the third annual month-long festival celebrating the diverse and imaginative world of deaf and disability arts. Venues…

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International Literary Fellowship announced

With the announcement of a new international literary fellowship, the Scottish Arts Council has honoured a great living Scottish writer…

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Archer aims at Liverpool

When the announcement was made that Liverpool had won the coveted title European Capital of Culture 2008, David Henshaw, Chief…

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Creativity: another 'new' concept

Creativity has become a much-vaunted concept in recent years, says Arts Hub UK's Patrick Garson. Richard Florida has argued that…

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2004 Creative Links expo and the Thames Gateway

In London's newest development and regeneration scheme, The Thames Gateway, will the area's 10,000 creative industries flourish or flounder and…

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