Archer aims at Liverpool

When the announcement was made that Liverpool had won the coveted title European Capital of Culture 2008, David Henshaw, Chief executive of the Liverpool City Council announced that this was what would make Liverpool a true European Capital of Culture and the city will be forever changed because of it. Arts Hub's Stephen Rhys talks to the event's Artistic Director Robyn Archer.
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In the realm of the visual arts, Liverpool holds the distinction of boasting more museums and art galleries than any other UK city bar London. Like its London namesake, the Tate Liverpool, one of the many cultural landmarks in the city, is one of the most famous galleries in Europe. It is home to the National Collection of Modern Art in the North and plays host to a number of exhibitions that bring together art works loaned by both international galleries and private collectors from around the world. This includes works by 18th and 19th century artists such as Paul Sandby, John Sell Cotman and Peter De Wint, as well as the soon to be displayed works of forty contemporary artists commissioned to create works depicting Liverpool for the upcoming Biennial. The city has provided enormous inspiration for centuries’ worth of artists.

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