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20x20: Fighting the slaughter of arts journalism

This week, as part of our 20x20 series celebrating 20 years of ArtsHub, we revisit the state of art criticism,…


Myth or truth: Do artists feel international engagement is overrated?

To mark International Artist Day, ArtsHub asked Australian artists how they felt about engaging with an international audience, or whether…


20x20: Why creative people are more prone to depression

From burnout to bullying, we are not good at managing our mental health as a sector. We revisit the topic…


Technology at the heart of audience care and empathy

Using headset technology for the past decade, experimental media artist Jane Gauntlett shares her journey on fusing performance with technology…


20x20: Why we are burning out in the arts

First published in 2015, it would seem we have not yet learnt to manage workloads and expectations – we're still…


New research examines link between culture and inequalities

There is clear evidence that the kinds of culture Australians have access to depends on their social backgrounds, new research…


Leprosy of the soul? A brief history of boredom

Sick of lockdown, Netflix and the lack of stimulus that accompanies pandemic life? You're so not alone.


A creative's guide to ditching FOMO and social media comparison

Ever made a 'Have Done List'? Lynnaire MacDonald has some helpful tips on how to take back control of your…


What salons can teach us about conversation

The European salon has much to offer the arts – from better discourse to ways to disagree – argues John…

Opinions & Analysis

Could paid entry become the new norm for galleries and museums?

Research shows that numbers drop off when museum entry is imposed, but are there ways around it to bolster revenue?

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