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Women artists on making at home

What do artists Louise Olsen, Karen Black and Zoe Young have in common? Learn how ‘home’ has influenced how and…

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Scribe

Being a scribe is an intense but rewarding experience that requires trust and a synergy of process.

post it note with a frown
Career Advice

The problem with art prize communication

Communication with those brave enough to put themselves forward for awards, prizes and grants should be respectful

artist mirra white
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Studio Assistant

Balancing her own practice as a painter, Mirra Whale is studio assistant to Ben Quilty. How does that work? She…

artist talking to studio visitors
Career Advice

Tips on maximising your open studio event

The year's end for makers means open studio time. ArtsHub takes a look at how to do it right and…

person walking in direction of arrows
Career Advice

Are ‘quiet firing’ and ‘quiet quitting’ real in the arts?

Are the arts the perfect breeding ground for the global trend of ‘quiet firing’ and ‘quiet quitting’, systemically plagued by…

Artists leans against wall next to artwork
Career Advice

Advice on how to take your art into ‘business mode’

Sefton Rani is keeping it real - the Toipoto visual artist shares his words of wisdom on what he's learned…

Career Advice

What does ‘less is necessary’ look like?

Arts organisations and Boards need to move from a ‘less is more’ to ‘less is necessary’ mindset. Kate Larsen outlines…

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Literary agent

Loving books is mandatory but being a literary agent necessitates many different avenues of advocating for authors.

woman looking at computer screen
Career Advice

How to write an art-wank free artist statement

Remember, an artist's statement is a practical and professional tool. Here are 7 tips to getting it right.

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