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The Artist's Way strength

The Artist’s Way Week 8: Recovering a sense of strength

This week we look at mourning and surviving creative loss and building the muscles of resilience.

Photo: Jon Tyson, Unsplash. A pair of black shoes standing on top of a yellow circle spray painted onto the concrete.
Career Advice

10 entry-level arts jobs to consider (part 1)

In part 1, ArtsHub has selected five jobs that are accessible to emerging arts professionals and suggests things to look…

So You Want My Arts Job, Illusionist Anthony Street. Dance.

So you want my arts job: Illusionist

From world-renowned dancer to grand illusionist, Anthony Street talks to ArtsHub about his career in stagecraft.


The Artist’s Way Week 7: Recovering a sense of connection

What's stopping you from hearing the voice of inspiration? This week we look at perfectionism, jealousy and risk-aversion, and how…

oranges abundance

The Artist’s Way Week 6: Recovering a sense of abundance

Money is often the biggest creative block for artists. This week we learn to count, and to splurge on authentic…

Young woman looking up with a sense of possibility, backlit by evening lights.

The Artist’s Way Week 5: Recovering a sense of possibility

Are self-limiting beliefs holding you back? And what are the pay-offs for staying stuck? This week we dare to dream.

An image of a young woman wearing a denim jacket and with her eyes closed, leaning her cheek on a small jigsaw made spherical world. Some pieces are missing.

The Artist’s Way Week 4: Recovering a sense of integrity

A new sense of awareness and clarity emerges as we look in the mirror of Morning Pages and take ourselves…

A young woman in a tutu is in an underground railway carriage and swirling around a pole.

The Artist’s Way Week 3: Recovering a sense of power

Growth can be erratic and uncomfortable, but it's all part of the process. This week we look at anger, shame…

A young woman reaches out to the camera with her fingers making a frame. The background is an artist's colourwheel.

The Artist’s Way: Week 2 – recovering a sense of identity

Self-definition is a major component of recovering our creative selves. This week we look at drawing new boundaries and avoiding…

Fee negotiation for creative freelancers. Negotiate higher fee with our guide. Image is a plant growing out of a pot filled with coins.

Negotiating higher rates for creative freelancers: unlock your worth

Asking for more money can be a daunting prospect for many, but this simple guide provides simple steps to unlock…

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