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Actors' mental health is profoundly affected by unreasonable casting practices.

Disturbing trend damaging actors’ mental health

Forced to wait up to four months to hear the outcome of an audition, actors' mental health is regularly suffering.

David Hannam

Screenwriter David Hannam shares tips for would-be TV writers

If TV is entering its 'post-Golden Era' there are still some dos and don'ts to keep you on the right…

Career Advice

50 ways to conquer creative self-doubt

From cartoon voices to household habits, it's extraordinary what creative people do to keep their confidence up.

Career Advice

Why I did a Reality TV show for my arts practice

We talk to Blown Away contestant Tegan Hamilton on the wins, and pains, of art-based reality TV, and its career…


Dancing on Glass: ballet is more than ‘dying swans and madmen’

We love the genre but are ballet dancer’s voices and bodies being authentically represented on our screens?

Megan Herbert, illustrator, writer, cartoonist and live-drawer
Career Advice

How portfolio careers can lead to happiness

Screenwriter, cartoonist and illustrator Megan Herbert used to be torn between artforms, but now embraces her portfolio career.


Heartstopper is the queer TV show we need right now

As LGBTQIA+ people face renewed hostility, this sweetly affirming Netflix series celebrates young queer love with humour and warmth.

The wedding of Scott and Charlene
Opinions & Analysis

Axing Neighbours will hurt more than fans

The under-threat show has been a vital training ground for screen artists over its 37 years, writes Philippa Burne.


Massive cross-culture ‘season’ rethinks UK/Aus connection and histories

The UK/Australia Season is the largest cultural exchange between our two nations, one aimed to shake up how we think…

Opinions & Analysis

Why we need a fresh approach to arts advocacy

In a call to arms for reinvigorated arts advocacy, John Daley looks at how politicians are out of step with…

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