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Actors' mental health is profoundly affected by unreasonable casting practices.

Disturbing trend damaging actors’ mental health

Forced to wait up to four months to hear the outcome of an audition, actors' mental health is regularly suffering.


How method acting could empower women

Natalie Portman says method acting is a ‘luxury women can’t afford’ – but new research shows how it can empower…

AI. Woman with brown skin leans over her daughter to teach AI on laptop.
Education & Student News

AI is now accessible to everyone: three things parents should teach their kids – and themselves

We're all learning how to use AI on the fly, but kids especially must learn the risks as well as…

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How stage and screen directors can deepen their understanding of their craft

NIDA’s Master of Fine Arts in Directing provides students with the opportunity to think about process, communication and craft through…


Creative companies filing for bankruptcy

Within days, two creative companies announced that they had moved into liquidation, confirming fears of a tightening economy in the…

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Actor

Acting is just standing around pretending, right? Not so, says Aaron Walton, about a craft that is more complicated than…

Career Advice

10 top tips on how to make your own movie

Former Director of South Seas Film School, producer, director and self-confessed movie nut, Adam Fresco offers a hands-on guide to…

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Stunt Coordinator for film and television

Philli Anderson was Australia’s first female stunt coordinator and one of the few female stunt people working in Australia. Here’s…

Opinions & Analysis

Why is TV so much better than film at video game adaptations?

Making a film is already difficult enough and it’s even more of an uphill struggle for a video game film…


Wrap-up: the best films and shows of 2022

The ScreenHub Content Lead lists their favourite screen stories from the year that was, from glass onions to Sauls you…

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