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A headshot of a winsome young woman with a red-haired side part bob and a black scoop neck top. Behind her is an out of focus body of water and two green hills.

National Arts and Youth Mental Health project awarded record £2.5 million

Arts4Us is one of the largest research grants ever awarded in the UK for arts and arts therapies.

Teacher pours paint into cup for young boy wearing blue t-shirt. Arts education.

Arts education in crisis: support a next generation of creatives

Plummeting support for arts education will strip a next generation of creatives. Here's how you can support change.

Melvyn Bragg during his speech in the House of Lords, video still. Image: Courtesy of Campaign for the Arts. A British man in his 70s with grey hair and glasses giving a speech among other members in the House of Lords.

‘The arts are not the cherry on the cake – they are the cake,’ says Melvyn Bragg

In his speech in the House of Lords, Melvyn Bragg advocates for crucial support for the arts in the UK…

artist Tacita Dean in her studio

10 British artists currently showing in Australia

UK's best head Down Under, and Australian audiences are loving new and old works delivered by these 10 artists.

Graffiti art in Dublin, Ireland. Photo: George Bakos via Unsplash.

Setting in motion: what Ireland’s basic income pilot could mean

The success of the national campaign that established Ireland’s Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme offers a range of…

Young teenage girl giving thumb up as sign of success. Portrait of happy smiling anonymous caucasian child dressed in blue jeans casual clothing. Focus at hands.

Job opportunities increase thanks to UK collaboration

The report on the impact of the UK/Australia Season shows greater work opportunities for participating artists.

sculpture Abdul-Rahman Abdullah working with wood tools
Opinions & Analysis

Rise in the cost of living impacting artists

Hikes in living costs are putting the pinch on studio practice – artists offer their advice on soldiering on through…

two men arranging flowers in their home Airbnb hosts

Loneliness driving Airbnb Experiences

The tourism market is shifting again, and there is more room for creatives in creating connections.

girl on couch eating chips watching television

Couch wars: the challenge and the trend facing creatives

As couch complacency lingers, immersive entertainment appears to be the winner that’s drawing audiences back.


Webinar #2 – A new way forward: how inclusive leadership is driving change

The latest Creative Exchange webinar available to view now and tackles the topic of creative leadership.

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