Playing with reality

'' is a project exploring new content for convergent media, bringing digital artists, media industry and social and cultural researchers together for an annual Forum of Creative Convergence. Arts Hub's Michelle Draper talks to Festival Director Katz Kiely about new developments in virtual reality and online games that emerged from the third '' festival, 'b.playful'.
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Earlier this year, an American academic reached the conclusion that a virtual kingdom had entered the world economy as the 77th richest country in the world. Norrath, the setting for the online game Everquest, sat between in Russia and Bulgaria in the GDP stakes.

The online world of MMRPGs – Massively Multiplayer Roleplaying Games – was just one of the topics at the recent ‘b.playful’ forum, the brainchild of Katz Kiely’s Forum of Creative Convergence.

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Michelle Draper
About the Author
Michelle lived and worked in Rome and London as a freelance feature writer for two and a half years before returning to Australia to take up the position of Head Writer for Arts Hub UK. She was inspired by thousands of years of history and art in Rome, and by London's pubs. Michelle holds a BA in Journalism from RMIT University, and also writes for Arts Hub Australia.