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Opinions & Analysis

Chinese art’s role in the hardening of soft diplomacy

China’s influence in the arts has long been tied to its political goals. Alison Carroll looks at how it has…

Opinions & Analysis

What is an art fair, and how are they changing?

Dealer Michael Reid give us a transparent 101 of the cost, and benefits, of art fairs in a changing market.

Opinions & Analysis

Five techniques to build resilience

Arts and wellness educator Molly W. Schenck talks about how to have tough conversations in art without traumatising collaborators.

Opinions & Analysis

Questioning leadership with Indonesia residency

The Australia Council’s first international leadership residential took place in Indonesia and Laura Pike looks at what she learnt from…

Opinions & Analysis

Am I a good ally to disabled artists?

Based on her research into what makes a good ally, Associate Professor Bree Hadley looks at how we can improve…

Opinions & Analysis

On being an ally for diversity

Being an ally means being prepared to do the difficult work towards structural change.

Opinions & Analysis

Purveyors of culture: Why bookshops are a relationship

Ahead of Love Your Bookshop Day, Australian Booksellers Association CEO Robbie Egan argues that your local book store thrives on…

Opinions & Analysis

Capturing dance’s disappearing act

Looking for bigger audiences and permanence for dance experiences led Sue Healey to film as a way of capturing the…

Opinions & Analysis

The first rule of theatre criticism

Fight director, actor, critic and dramaturge Dr Danielle Rosvally starts all her theatre students off with one simple lesson which…

Opinions & Analysis

Partnering up to communicate the arts

Relationship building was an important part of the agenda for Alex Raupach when he attended the Communicating the Arts Conference.

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