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How stage and screen directors can deepen their understanding of their craft

NIDA’s Master of Fine Arts in Directing provides students with the opportunity to think about process, communication and craft through…

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How your performing arts skills can equip you for a new career

Becoming a Stagecoach franchisee won’t just provide you with a rewarding new job: it will utilise your arts skills for…

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Documenting the pandemic, season by season

Fox Galleries launches 'Modern Seasons: the Great Curve', a publication and exhibition series exploring the four seasons lived under COVID.

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Discovering resilience in music and arts education

In our latest podcast we talk with Associate Professor Rick Chew about the evolution of arts education and how performing…

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Rethinking the future of performance

Postgraduates are asking the right questions at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

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An art fair that extends 100% of sales directly to Indigenous artists

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair’s digital pivot is more than just selling art; it’s a digital upskill that protects the future…

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Circus is democratic, yet arts companies struggle with diversity

Leading UK diversity advocate and artist Vicki Amedume is in Australia for INTERSECT, a knowledge exchange between the UK and…

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At last, the convergence of art with technology in a disruptive degree

A brand new Master Degree at UNSW Art & Design deep dives into Visualisation, Simulation and Immersive Design while smashing…

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Entries now open for 2020 World of WearableArt Awards

Designers, artists and makers from around the globe are invited to compete for a total prize pool of NZ $187,500.

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How to nail an audition

National Theatre Drama School Artistic Director Trent Baker shares his top tips on delivering your best auditions.

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