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pitching tips. Image is a headless person in a tan jumper sitting at a laptop computer typing.
Career Advice

5 pitching tips for freelance writers

How do you pitch your story ideas in the most efficient way possible and with the greatest chance of success?


Co-authoring: twice as fun or double the trouble?

What are some of the issues and complexities about writing a book with another author or even several authors?

holding crate of empty bottles. Sustainable.
Career Advice

Tip from peers: how to have a more sustainable practice

From easing up on the travel to rethinking how we reuse things, creatives offer tips for a more sustainable way…

conference. audience gather and listen to speaker in blue lit room

2024 Arts Conference and Summit Planner

Want to be inspired and give your career a boost in 2024? Then why not attend an arts conference? ArtsHub…

Arts careers. Photos of arts professionals.
Career Advice

19 jobs to consider for a career change in 2024

Whether you have visions be in the spotlight, to lead from behind the scenes, or to go our on your…

Graffiti art in Dublin, Ireland. Photo: George Bakos via Unsplash.

Setting in motion: what Ireland’s basic income pilot could mean

The success of the national campaign that established Ireland’s Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme offers a range of…

rejection. image is of a woman with dark hair and her face covered by her hands as she deals with creative rejection.

9 ways to help you deal with creative rejection

Hearing "no" is never easy but recovering from rejection is a necessary part of the artist’s life. Here are some…

bibliotherapist. Image is of the head and shoulders of a woman with a greying bob, smiling against a purple background which has the text 'so you want my arts job' on the right.
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Bibliotherapist

Though bibliotherapy is an ancient practice it's not particularly well-known, says Dr Susan McLaine, a practitioner of over 18 years…

David Hannam

Screenwriter David Hannam shares tips for would-be TV writers

If TV is entering its 'post-Golden Era' there are still some dos and don'ts to keep you on the right…

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Narrative Designer

Wondering who's behind the stories in video games? Narrative Designer Alexander Swords explains the scope of his job and player…

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