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Poetry. Image is a sheet of paper with some lines written across it and a fountain pen with the lid off.

Is poetry really ‘the tyrannical discipline’?

This is how Sylvia Plath described the art form, but three contemporary poets have very different views.


Move over Millennials, it’s time for older women writers to shine

Are the works of older women writers writing about their lives a new Australian publishing trend?

overseas literary residencies. Image is of a passport, a little toy plan, a sunhat, notebook and sunglasses - all on the wooden boards of a tabletop.

Overseas literary residences: inspiration will last longer than the trip

What are some of the benefits and challenges of applying for an overseas literary residence?

Rebecca F Kuang speaking at All About Women 2024, Sydney Opera House. Photo: Jaimi Joy. Kuang is wearing a black sleeveless dress with floral patterns with her hands raised in the middle of explaining something. She has black tied-up hair and a black fringe. On the left is the cover of ‘Yellowface’, with two slanted almond eyes on a bright yellow background.

Yellowface: insights from Rebecca F Kuang

Rebecca F Kuang’s debut literary fiction, ‘Yellowface’ has taken the publishing world by storm. She revealed more about the book's…

Still from recording of feature writing workshop at The Channel - Arts Centre Melbourne. Two women are sitting on stage against a black backdrop. On the left is Celina, an Asian Australian woman in her mid-20s with a black bob, denim jacket and black dress. On the right is Madeleine, a middle aged Caucasian woman wearing a blue and white floral shirt and white pants.

ArtsHub writing workshop: Feature Writing

In this session, ArtsHub's Madeleine Swain and Celina Lei run through feature writing from pitch to publish.


Co-authoring: twice as fun or double the trouble?

What are some of the issues and complexities about writing a book with another author or even several authors?

A profile of a woman. The bottom half of her is covered by steam.

Mills & Boon: How to write steamy scenes

Four Mills & Boon Australian authors offer tips on how to write racy copy.

Alison McKay, Untitled, 2017, Sand and nails on wooden stand. Image: Supplied. An artwork consisting of a tiny precarious plinth with nails hammered into the top, and loose damp sand surrounding the nails.

Why is the art world still married to meritocracy?

Part lottery, part systematic exclusion: three artists speak about the limitations of the meritocratic approach, and imagine how the art…

Photograph of a road sign warning of traffic lights ahead that is half-submerged in floodwaters.

Why writing ‘cli-fi’ might relieve your eco-anxiety

How does writing fiction focused on climate change impact those who write it? Dr Rachel Hennessy, Alex Cothren and Amy…

literary speed dating. Image is an open book with the pages folded in to make the shape of a heart.

Literary speed dating: swipe left or right?

Do you think you may be a good candidate for a three-minute power pitch to publishers and agents?

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