Stream, a new cross-art performance from dramatic group, Optik, is described as ‘a relationship between music, technology and live action that evokes emotional thoughts and memories in the spectator.’ Director Barry Edwards speaks to Arts Hub about how audience and performer perceptions can intertwine.
25 Sep 2002 12:00
Michelle Draper
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Performing Arts
Stream, a new cross-art performance from dramatic group, Optik, is described as ‘a relationship between music, technology and live action that evokes emotional thoughts and memories in the spectator.’
According to Optik Director Barry Edwards, the cast – a viola player, sound mixer, video mixer and three performers – interact intuitively together and this invites the audience to respond to, and even control, the performance.
Michelle lived and worked in Rome and London as a freelance feature writer for two and a half years before returning to Australia to take up the position of Head Writer for Arts Hub UK. She was inspired by thousands of years of history and art in Rome, and by London's pubs. Michelle holds a BA in Journalism from RMIT University, and also writes for Arts Hub Australia.