Search Results

I’m an artist, I don’t need to do workshops. Wrong.
Professional workshops can bolster your studio practice in surprising ways.

So you want my arts job: Mount Maker
Christian Bishop explains how mount making is not just about functionality, but crafting solutions that elevate a viewer’s experience.

32 jobs to consider for a career change in 2025
Looking at a career change in 2025? Learn first-hand the insights on 32 arts jobs to give you the edge.

So you want my arts job: Scenic Painter
Take your painting skills into a new domain; ArtsHub talks with Melita Tickle on being a scenic painter.

So you want my arts job: Mural Artist
A graphic design background and early career success have landed Taiya Bukovsky with a solid career painting murals.

So you want my arts job: Design Curator
Design Curator Tonya Meyrick of Geelong Design Week in Australia’s only UNESCO City of Design shares insights into her role.

How do I market my workshop for success?
Ten ways to market your creative workshop, and increase your cash flow.

Tips on how to run a creative workshop
From veteran workshop presenters to seasoned participants, ArtsHub shares their tips for success.

Should I offer workshops to help the cash flow?
ArtsHub looks at the pros and cons of running workshops, and takes you through the steps of working out how…

How I got my break as a curator
The curatorial profession is specialised and competitive. Six curators tell us how they got their career break.