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Blasted at the Lyric
BLASTED: has not been performed in London for nearly a decade but with Sean Holmes’ production at the Hammersmith Lyric…

When No One Is Watching
WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING: This company shows that there is just as much to glean from the making of…

Sunday Art Fair
SUNDAY: Descending into an industrial alley to find the concrete refuge feels raw and arguably more interesting than the more…

Mark Ronson on Tour
MARK RONSON: The set started with a catchy but alien instrumental track, “Circuit Breaker”, typifying Ronson’s new sound. Old favourites…

Black History Month
BLACK HISTORY MONTH: These exhibitions focus on the stories of individuals, which is incredibly moving, as we get a glimpse…

Les Misérables: 25th Anniversary
LES MISERABLES: It’s worth the ticket price just to hear Owen Jones sing ‘Bring Him Home; and if you aren’t,…

CHANGE: The painting is in Eine’s signature font – making it instantly recognisable as his work. The mural stretches 21…

Scorched: The Old Vic Tunnels
SCORCHED: A succulent story of mystery and revelation, aptly served in the enigmatic atmosphere of the Old Vic Tunnels, and…
FASHION REVIEW: The Forgotten Peacock
Young Greek costumier-scenographer takis strikes a resonant chord with his lavish pitch to reclaim the forgotten peacock in the conformist…
REVIEW: Ansel Adams, City Art Centre, Edinburgh
REVIEW: Gordon Haynes reviews Ansel Adams: "The artistry shines out and, for their time, they must have been truly ground-breaking".