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7 Podcasts to boost your creativity
Be inspired by these podcasts about the creative process, from Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Magic Lessons' to Seth Godin's 'Akimbo'.

Automated plagiarism: Furore over ‘computer’ winning art prize
Turf wars between artists and AI generators - a topic that is the tip of an iceberg worthy of a…

Some practical steps to truth-telling in museums
Calls for First Nations truth-telling are growing louder in Australian politics. What does that look like within the museum sector?

Occupy White Walls is democratising art with video games
Occupy White Walls is a game that lets you build your own art gallery, and could be the newest frontier…

Radiohead are turning the Playstation into a gallery
Legendary alternative band Radiohead have built a free interactive art exhibition for the PlayStation 5 and PC. It’s very cool.

Digital is here to stay: how funders can support artists in the post-COVID landscape
With snap lockdowns and hybrid events part of the new normal Dr Jackie Bailey sees an opportunity for the creative…

Finding a place in the strange new world of NFTs
Some artists are jumping into NFTs while others see pitfalls. Jane O’Sullivan looks at both sides of this emerging meld…

Don't ditch the digital
Keeping and improving some of our new digital and hybrid work practices simply makes good strategic and financial sense, says…

Landing in lockdown: how immigration drives artistic adaptation
Three Australian artists explain how they have adapted their practices since arriving in the UK in the midst of the…

Alarming report results as artist residencies buckle under COVID pressures
A new report by Res Artis looks at the impact of cancelled artist residencies globally, with a flood of artists…