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In conversation with Sir Simon Rattle
On the eve of the LSO's Australian tour, Sir Simon Rattle discussed life and music with ABC presenter, Martin Buzacott.

Automated plagiarism: Furore over ‘computer’ winning art prize
Turf wars between artists and AI generators - a topic that is the tip of an iceberg worthy of a…

Massive cross-culture ‘season’ rethinks UK/Aus connection and histories
The UK/Australia Season is the largest cultural exchange between our two nations, one aimed to shake up how we think…

Know my name – and don’t forget it
Australian organisations join global campaign to recognise women artists, starting with an all-day intervention by the National Gallery of Australia.

Introducing more diverse arts writers
Thanks to a new partnership ArtsHub is seeking new writers, with a special focus on writers of colour.

Carly Findlay on centring disability in our latest podcast
In the latest ArtsHubbub episode, we speak with Carly Findlay about ableism, the media and the new book Growing Up…

How to embrace criticism when your ideas are unconventional
Persevering through rejection and criticism are vital for successful artists but they are even more important when your ideas are…

Meet our keynote speaker: Hyperallergic editor Hrag Vartanian
Editor-in-chief and co-founder of New York-based arts news site, Hyperallergic, Hrag Vartanian will present the keynote speech for Artshub’s Visions…

Protocol updates for First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property
The Australia Council has released new protocols addressing key legal, ethical and moral considerations for the use of Indigenous cultural material…

Chasing philanthropy, inspiring volunteers and supporting the arts in our latest podcast
In the latest ArtsHubbub we look at the ways in which giving is supported in the arts. We speak with…