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conference. audience gather and listen to speaker in blue lit room

2024 Arts Conference and Summit Planner

Want to be inspired and give your career a boost in 2024? Then why not attend an arts conference? ArtsHub…

read. Image is a pile of five books in front of a window onto a garden.

10 recently published arts books, worthy of a read

Arts publications worthy of your time. ArtsHub shares what's top of reading lists for November.

Graffiti art in Dublin, Ireland. Photo: George Bakos via Unsplash.

Setting in motion: what Ireland’s basic income pilot could mean

The success of the national campaign that established Ireland’s Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme offers a range of…

Braille. A woman's hand reading Braille.

Braille: embossed dots literacy

Braille offers another accessibility option for readers, but what are the latest news and innovations for the system?


So you want my arts job: Proofreader

Proofreading is a last chance, 'spit and polish' appraisal of a writer's work for pesky mistakes. Being finicky and pedantic…

TextaQueen program 4A
Career Advice

When a commission is spent on engagement, not outcome

The conclusion of TextaQueen’s latest exhibition prompts consideration of the value of a significant commission.


So you want my arts job: Bookseller

Loving books is ideal but being genuinely helpful is equally important when it comes to working in a bookstore.


Discovery of WW1 graphic novel might re-write history books

A German cartoonist’s account of life in an Australian WWI internment camp is being claimed as the world’s first-known autobiographical…


The time is now: Climate awareness in museums is a must

CIMAM’s toolkit offers strategies and resources for museums to reduce their carbon footprint.


Massive cross-culture ‘season’ rethinks UK/Aus connection and histories

The UK/Australia Season is the largest cultural exchange between our two nations, one aimed to shake up how we think…

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