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Documenting the pandemic, season by season

Fox Galleries launches 'Modern Seasons: the Great Curve', a publication and exhibition series exploring the four seasons lived under COVID.

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Rethinking the future of performance

Postgraduates are asking the right questions at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

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An art fair that extends 100% of sales directly to Indigenous artists

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair’s digital pivot is more than just selling art; it’s a digital upskill that protects the future…

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Circus is democratic, yet arts companies struggle with diversity

Leading UK diversity advocate and artist Vicki Amedume is in Australia for INTERSECT, a knowledge exchange between the UK and…

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At last, the convergence of art with technology in a disruptive degree

A brand new Master Degree at UNSW Art & Design deep dives into Visualisation, Simulation and Immersive Design while smashing…

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Entries now open for 2020 World of WearableArt Awards

Designers, artists and makers from around the globe are invited to compete for a total prize pool of NZ $187,500.

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An art fair is more than just selling art

From a kitty-inspired kids project to talks that tap into a global zeitgeist, site-responsive installations and videos to rival box…

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Mami Kataoka’s highlights for the 21st Biennale of Sydney

The 21st Biennale of Sydney is not about hierarchies of artists and venues, rather it is about harmony in the…

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Collecting first rate Australian art is just a mouse click away

A significant $5M Australian art collection – including works by Arthur Boyd, Margaret Olley and Charles Blackman – goes under…

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VIDEO: Interview with Anthony McCall

In an Australian coup, internationally acclaimed light artist Anthony McCall will unveil first museum collection commission for GOMA’s 10th anniversary.

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