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white robotic art against black backgrounds. Future arts jobs.

My arts job in 2030

Have you hedged your bets correctly? Does your job have a future – or a different future? ArtsHub takes a…


So you want my arts job: Arts Broadcaster

Claudia Chan Shaw talks to ArtsHub about her job as an TV and radio arts broadcaster ... among other things.


So you want my arts job: Design and Colour Consultant

Sally Evans walks ArtsHub through this specialised area of Interior Design.


New trends in visible storage in museums

What exactly is ‘visible storage’ in today’s museum environment of greater accessibility, and how is it changing how museums are…

Architect Ramin Jahromi, COX. Image supplied.
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Architect Ramin Jahromi, COX

Every day is different for Ramin Jahromi, but a collaborative mindset and resilience are always key.

Career Advice

50 ways to conquer creative self-doubt

From cartoon voices to household habits, it's extraordinary what creative people do to keep their confidence up.

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: set designer

If you’re collaborative, highly organised and can balance both technical and creative skills, a career in stage design may be…

Career Advice

Why I did a Reality TV show for my arts practice

We talk to Blown Away contestant Tegan Hamilton on the wins, and pains, of art-based reality TV, and its career…

The young Asia Businesswoman makes parcel for online studio business.
Career Advice

27 things I learned starting a new art business

How to turn old learnings from portfolio careers into new gains, when starting a studio-based business.

Career Advice

Prepare to fail: how to be successful in a virtual AGM

For Rachael Coghlan, Craft ACT's first virtual AGM offered lessons for many arts orgs needing to deliver reporting, acquittals and…

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