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Career Advice

5 tips when applying for an arts grant

It certainly isn't easy to land a creative grant, but here are some tips to ensure your entry has the…

Photo: SHVETS production, Pexels.
Career Advice

Many arts organisations are seeking communications coordinators – what skills do you actually need?

More than what the job title may suggest, communications coordinators require a vast array of responsibilities and skills, and those…

Bad review. Image is of a man's torso, wearing a suit and stripey tie and pointing out à la Lord Kitchener. His finger is touching a yellow star, the only one filled in a row of five.
Career Advice

5 ways to deal with a bad review

How do you cope when the work you've laboured over for years receives a less than flattering reception?

Kirilee Cosplay. Photo: Supplied. A cutout portrait of a Caucasian woman dressed up with a frilly dress and hair accessories. The portrait is black and white on a purple background, with the words ‘so you want my arts job?’
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Cosplayer

Kirilee Cosplay has been in the field of cosplaying for nearly a decade, representing Australia in international competitions and championing…

Faith in the Artist's Way

The Artist’s Way Week 12: Recovering a sense of faith

Creativity requires profound trust. We renew our commitment to the tools as we finish the program.

Autonomy in The Artist's Way. A woman wearing a pink hat sits on a swing facing away from the camera in the early morning light.

The Artist’s Way Week 11: Recovering a sense of autonomy

Acceptance of ourselves and handling success without self-sabotage.

a brightly coloured photograph of #D block lettering that spells: "You are" in white letters, and "You" in dark red letters.

Is the secret of arts marketing really to ‘know thyself’?

A recent international study into arts marketing practices casts light on how an organisation’s core values play a part in…

The Artist's Way self-protection. image is a man in a yellow bee keeper's costume carrying an insert from a hive.

The Artist’s Way Week 10: Recovering a sense of self-protection

What are the perils and toxic patterns we keep encountering on the path towards greater creativity? This week we learn…

entry-level arts jobs. Photo: Jakob Owens, Unsplash. A figure stands in the centre of a dark indoor space with a photography set-up. Lets are shining on him and people are sorting out technical things with a camera.
Career Advice

10 entry-level arts jobs to consider (part 2)

In part 2, ArtsHub suggests administrative as well as hands-on roles that emerging arts professionals can consider.

Compassion for our own Artist's Way.

The Artist’s Way Week 9: Recovering a sense of compassion

Procrastination is usually just fear dressed up. This week we heal the shame of past failures and learn how to…

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