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Community engaged. Image is a brick wall with three arched windows at the top filled in with corrugated iron. There is a frame wide mural on the bricks that says Together we Create!
Opinions & Analysis

What is community engaged practice?

Community engaged practice is not an art form. It’s not an add-on. It’s a way of working, a deep collaboration.

Still from Georgi Ivers' performance ‘You're So Brave’ (2022). During this part of the performance, Ivers is being attacked by voiceless enemies saying "your life must be so hard", "you're so brave" and "have you tried cutting out gluten?" in response to her symptoms. Photo: Minni Karamfiles.
Opinions & Analysis

The case for flexible journalism

Negotiating voice, agency and interview practices for disabled and neurodiverse creatives.

scrabble letters spelling out the word 'talent' on a wooden background.
Opinions & Analysis

Why we fail when we talk about talent

Using the word 'talented' as praise and encouragement devalues hard work, skill and learned ability. We need to use better…

Accessibility. Image shows young woman with long dark hair and a light top in front of computer screen and microphone. She is looking at the camera over her shoulder. She is wearing headphones and using a wheelchair.
Opinions & Analysis

Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility

Don't leave it to the people with accessibility needs to do all the heavy lifting.

mental health. A small group of people face away towards a chairlift with their arms around each other supporting each other.
Opinions & Analysis

Mental health is a human right: we’re talking about a revolution

World Mental Health Day is a chance to question the systems that undermine human happiness and creativity.

Opinions & Analysis

How ‘mental health’ has been reimagined in the workplace

Good mental health in the arts won’t happen until we see people with lived experienced enabled and included as leaders…

Career Advice

Forget AI, why viralism is costing you your job

Perhaps technology is not the greatest threat to your livelihood after all?

A series of blue and white screen printed workers uniforms, arranged like a shopfront display. They feature the writing '(DON'T) BE AN ARTIST' in a newsprint style.
Opinions & Analysis

Are we missing an opportunity when we say ‘arts jobs are real jobs’?

Who are we leaving behind when we justify artist work on the system's terms? Are we missing an opportunity for…

Illustration with a person wearing a red hood standing against a smoky background with large blocks of red and grey. The atmosphere is dystopian.
Opinions & Analysis

Is fear around AI doing more harm than good?

Our anxiety is pitching artists against AI when collaboration and exploration are what's needed.

Two self-portraits of the artist sitting on chairs facing away from the viewer, all in a monochrome pinky-red. They are overlaid with semi-transparent writing which says "Is there a labour crisis in Australia today? Well that depends on what you mean by crisis".
Opinions & Analysis

Artist burnout is not a mental health issue – it is a labour issue

Reframing burnout in labour terms would implicitly shift our approach to advocacy around artist well-being.

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