The Potter: The Great Wall and other stories

I remember a time, I was 8 years old and my third class teacher explained that we were about to begin a unit on China. I precociously raised my hand, proud as punch to have some personal knowledge about the subject to add, and sure that the rest of the class would be riveted. “My Dad helped to build the Great Wall of China!” I explained to my teacher and the rest of the class.
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I remember a time, I was 8 years old and my third class teacher explained that we were about to begin a unit on China. I precociously raised my hand, proud as punch to have some personal knowledge about the subject to add, and sure that the rest of the class would be riveted. “My Dad helped to build the Great Wall of China!” I explained to my teacher and the rest of the class.

The following look of disbelief that rose on my teacher’s face I found to be odd and a little annoying. I took a patient breath and explained, “The Emperor asked him to help because he’s a good potter and knows a lot about firing techniques and could help out …”

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Georgia Keighery
About the Author
Theatre actor and writer, Georgia co-founded Prompt Theatre in 1998. Her first full-length play “The Flats” won a commendation at the 2003 Philip Parsons Award and she was a writer for the B’Sharp 24 Hour Play Project in the same year. Her most recent play ‘FiRE’ was part of Darlinghurst Theatre’s In The Raw festival in November last year, and she hopes to grow up to be a valid human being one day.