Introducing memetics for the arts

As a young artist, there was something about this thing we call ‘Art’ that didn’t quite compute with Anna Howitt - but then she heard about memetics - this is her story about how she came to be writing a book about it.
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Around 10 years ago I sat, bristling with excitement, listening to my favourite lecturer teach us about anti-art strategies. He showed us how artists adopted fictional personas to test the ‘idea’ of the artist, and how this affects the way their work is read by consumers; the work often being as fictional as the ‘artist’ that was supposed to have ‘created’ it. It was a cheeky idea, and I liked it.

I don’t remember whether my lecturer referenced memetics, or whether I stumbled across it and made the happy connection all on my own. Either way, 10 years later, it won’t leave me alone! And so to this article, an introduction to a book I have just started writing about The Use and Function of Memetics in Art (working title!).

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Anna Howitt
About the Author
Anna Howitt is Artistic Director of The Forward Company, a small arts company based in Berkshire. Anna’s creative practice involves performance, visual art, photography, and text and any practices that can be discovered in between. She also runs The Empty Space Gallery, a practical experiment to compliment her theoretical exploration in memetics. The Empty Space Gallery is an experiment in ‘art’, ‘artists’, those that believe in them, and those that think they are…