Seeking asylum and embracing theatre

Theatre has always been a brilliant tool that practitioners have used to entertain and inform people about issues within various societies. Augusto Boal went one step further and created a theatre “for the poor and by the poor”, a theatre which transformed the audience into what he called spectactors, and a theatre that could be used as a tool to encourage individuals to make social changes. Due t
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Theatre has always been a brilliant tool that practitioners have used to entertain and inform people about issues within various societies. Augusto Boal went one step further and created a theatre “for the poor and by the poor”, a theatre which transformed the audience into what he called spectactors, and a theatre that could be used as a tool to encourage individuals to make social changes. Due to the success of such theatre, it is no surprise that theatre groups from all over the world, especially Africa, are now choosing to adopt Boal’s extraordinary theatrical style and inject it with the heat and exoticism of story telling, music and dance.

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Davelyn Thompson
About the Author
Davelyn Thompson is a London based freelance writer who also performs at poetry nights.