More than luck: why succession planning matters

Mentoring and internships are embraced in the arts, but succession planning can strengthen these initiatives for a sector-wide impact.

With the recent number of new appointments and movements across the sector, the importance of succession planning is brought to mind. Yet this isn’t a topic that is often thought about, or implemented, in the arts.

Katie Russell, National Director of Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA), says: ’We’ve all heard it, people who say, ”I’ve had the privilege to be mentored by” – it’s like you got lucky. If the next decade yields a much more robust system of succession planning, I think it wouldn’t just be a matter of luck.’

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Celina Lei is an arts writer and editor at ArtsHub. She acquired her M.A in Art, Law and Business in New York with a B.A. in Art History and Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. She has previously worked across global art hubs in Beijing, Hong Kong and New York in both the commercial art sector and art criticism. She took part in drafting NAVA’s revised Code of Practice - Art Fairs and was the project manager of ArtsHub’s diverse writers initiative, Amplify Collective. Celina is based in Naarm/Melbourne and was most recently engaged in consultation for the Emerging Writers’ Festival and ArtsGen. Instagram @lleizy_