KISSS and tell – The Revolutionary New Performance Form

KISSS and tell – The Revolutionary New Performance Form. Can you see what they're thinking? No? Well why not find out about KISSS - The Kinship International Strategy on Surveillance and Suppression project that is looking for your input into its exploration of the relationship between surveillance and suppression.
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”I’m all in favour of freedom of expression provided it’s kept rigidly under control.”
Alan Bennett: Forty Years On (1969)

KISSS and tell – The Revolutionary New Performance Form. Can you see what they’re thinking? No? Well why not find out about KISSS – The Kinship International Strategy on Surveillance and Suppression project that is looking for your input into its exploration of the relationship between surveillance and suppression. Launched at Whitechapel Gallery in East London on 25th August, it is a series of performance events and interventions – an ‘Elastic Residence’ project led by artists Joanna Callaghan and Deej Fabyc.

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Ali Taulbut
About the Author
Alison is a British-born freelance writer and is now living in Perth, Western Australia. She began her career as a teacher of Drama and English in London and has worked extensively with teenagers as a theatre director. She spent 10 years working in London's West End with writers of theatre, film and television as a Literary Agent.