It’s a FACT

FACT, Liverpool's first new purpose-built art centre in more than 60 years, will open its doors to the public later this month. Eddie Berg, Executive Director of the centre for Film, Art and Creative Technology, is confident the venture will not go down the same path trodden by other capital building projects in recent years - a number of which faced serious financial difficulties resulting in the
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The trouble with opening new multi-million dollar arts centres in the UK today is that such ventures are often beleaguered by a number of failed attempts in recent years. Sheffield’s National Centre for Popular Music is a prime example. The museum, which failed to attract the number of visitors predicted in the original business plan, closed in summer 2000 – within a year of its opening.

Critics have kept a watchful eye on the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, which has proven popular with audiences since opening last year, but has come under attack recently for its financial planning. In Cardiff, work on the Wales Millennium Centre is finally underway, after years of delays caused by financial difficulties.

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Michelle Draper
About the Author
Michelle lived and worked in Rome and London as a freelance feature writer for two and a half years before returning to Australia to take up the position of Head Writer for Arts Hub UK. She was inspired by thousands of years of history and art in Rome, and by London's pubs. Michelle holds a BA in Journalism from RMIT University, and also writes for Arts Hub Australia.