Europa, Hollywood or bust

A press release issued by the Council of Europe’s European Audiovisual Observatory on the eve of the 58th International Cannes Film Festival, announced that for the second time since 1990, cinema attendance in the European Union passed the billion milestone in 2004. Good news for production companies, but what does it mean for the European film industry. This feature is re-published with the permi
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A press release issued by the Council of Europe’s European Audiovisual Observatory on the eve of the 58th International Cannes Film Festival, announced that for the second time since 1990, cinema attendance in the European Union passed the billion milestone in 2004. Good news for production companies, but what does it mean for the European film industry?

This feature is re-published with the permission of Arts Hub Global.

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.