EU funds culture

Yes it's that time of year again - EUCLID is taking bookings for this year's CulturEuro seminars. These seminars offer the UK cultural sector the chance to glean vital clues about how to access some of that sweet European Union funding that is always being talked about. And in the last two years these seminars have been held in over 20 cities in the UK.
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Yes it’s that time of year again – EUCLID is taking bookings for this year’s CulturEuro seminars. These seminars offer the UK cultural sector the chance to glean vital clues about how to access some of that sweet European Union funding that is always being talked about. And in the last two years these seminars have been held in over 20 cities in the UK.

As explained on their website, EUCLID is the official EC Cultural Contact Point in the UK for Culture 2000, and provides support and assistance for potential applicants to this programme and guidance on other EU funding opportunities for the cultural sector. Cultural Funding from the EU is broken down into a number of programmes including the two very popular programmes – Advancing the idea of Europe, and Culture 2000. These grants are awarded to cultural cooperation projects in all artistic and cultural fields, where the objective is to promote a common cultural area characterised by its cultural diversity and shared cultural heritage.

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Rita Dimasi
About the Author
Rita Dimasi is an Arts Hub reviewer.