Demos is no Davros

Demos, one of the UK’s leading think tanks sees its task as nothing less than “building everyday democracy” within our culture. The staff at Demos believe that …”everyone should be able to make personal choices in their daily lives that contribute to the common good.”
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Demos, one of the UK’s leading think tanks sees its task as nothing less than “building everyday democracy” within our culture. The staff at Demos believe that …”everyone should be able to make personal choices in their daily lives that contribute to the common good.”

Demos strives to put this democratic ideal into practice by working collaboratively with organisations in ways that make them more effective and legitimate in their planning, consulting and delivery of services to the community. The partners of Demos include policy-makers, companies, public service providers and social entrepreneurs.

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Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy
About the Author
Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy is a theatre director, actor trainer, dramaturg and writer.