Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell speaks at Edinburgh Television Festival

Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell recently spoke at the Edinburgh Television Festival, on August 23, on Broadcasting after Royal Assent of the Communications Bill. Today, Arts Hub publishes the transcript of her speech, which discusses the new challenges facing Ofcom, including the review of the BBC's Charter.
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Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell recently spoke at the Edinburgh Television Festival, on August 23, on Broadcasting after Royal Assent of the Communications Bill. Today, Arts Hub published the transcript of her speech.

The last few weeks have seen fevered speculation from every quarter about the role of the BBC and the relationship between the BBC and Government. It comes from those pro or anti the BBC and from those pro or anti Government.

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Tessa Jowell
About the Author
Tessa Jowell is the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.