Celebrate: Homotopia Festival!

From a country that once imprisoned Oscar Wilde for committing the supposed crime of the “love that dared not speak its name”, and tried to ban the open discussion of homosexuality in public schools with Thatcherite initiative Clause 28, the United Kingdom has slowly but surely been working its way towards becoming one of the most inclusive nations in the European Community when it comes to ga
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From a country that once imprisoned Oscar Wilde for committing the supposed crime of the “love that dared not speak its name”, and tried to ban the open discussion of homosexuality in public schools with Thatcherite initiative Clause 28, the United Kingdom has slowly but surely been working its way towards becoming one of the most inclusive nations in the European Community when it comes to gay tolerance and the provision of gay rights.

The pending introduction of Britain’s first ever marriage Civil Union Bill coming into play in December 2005 is proof positive of the changes that have occurred in modern England.

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